Queen of Thorns is officially available today, although a few lucky subscribers have already received their copies, and those of us in the Hinterlands must wait another couple of weeks to see them on store shelves.
Paizo always publishes a sample chapter of upcoming Pathfinder Tales novels, but this time they have generously agreed to allow four whole chapters to be posted across four different sites. It's like a scavenger hunt, only I'll tell you now exactly where to look.
Over at Black Gate you can read Chapter One, in which Count Varian Jeggare attends the Midsummer Masquerade in a city of mists and illusion.
Flames Rising hosts Chapter Two, in which Radovan dances after an elven damsel only to find out that he wasn't the one calling the tune.
SF Signal has Chapter Three, in which Varian enjoys a bird's-eye view of the Fierani Forest and meets an unusual gnome with a huge secret to reveal. (This one should be live soon.)
And Paizo itself hosts Chapter Four, wherein the boys assemble a team to guide them through the deadly Fierani Forest. This chapter includes a fabulous illustration by Eric Belisle.
I'm grateful to editor James Sutter and publicist Jaym Gates, as well as to Black Gate, Flames Rising, SF Signal, and the Paizo web team for making this "scavenger hunt" possible.
If you like what you read, please consider buying the book and posting a comment on the product page to encourage Paizo to do similar promotions in the future.